PSA - Update  your Seq Nuget API Feed to v3

Update - The specific cause of the below problem was subsequently identified as Event Timeout recently reaching 100 Nuget versions, which meant that that the new versions were on the next page of results. The Seq implementation of Nuget wasn't handling paged results correctly. Many thanks to Joel Verhagen from...

Event Schedule v1.0.10 - Date calculation expressions!

After posting the last release of Event Schedule earlier today, I gave some more consideration to the implications of how the date calculations work. The problem, as touched on in the post, is that not all date calculations are equal. If, on the first of January 2022, I expect that...

Event Schedule 1.0.9 - Date token addition and subtraction!

Yesterday's releases for Event Schedule introduced the ability to include simple date tokens in the Scheduled log message, Scheduled log description, and Scheduled log tags fields. These were based entirely on returning the current day, month, or year - but what if you want to reference last month, next month,...

Event Schedule for Seq 1.0.6 Released - Date tokens!

Event Schedule is a bit of a different beast from the Event Timeout and Event Threshold apps. It's an app that will (for example) allow you to automatically create Jira tickets every month via a Seq log entry. This means that it can have difference needs from the other apps...

Event Schedule for Seq - Schedule events to trigger other Seq apps!

EventX Trilogy With the work that I've done on my Seq apps (specifically Event Timeout and Event Threshold), I've managed to build quite a robust and versatile date and time system which can be set for some complex scenarios. The properties built into these apps are extensive, with an ability...

Logging to Seq from shell scripts

A lot of scripting can be involved in running an IT operation. While your business applications may be logging to Seq, is it any less important that you have visibility of key scripts? What happens when they fail and endanger your critical SLAs? At a fundamental level, logging is really...

Event Threshold for Seq - A super powered threshold monitoring app for Seq

"Tell us when events fall below a threshold, between X and Y times..." Seq has an innate ability to alert based on a simple count of events in a signal, using dashboard widgets with alerts. We use that for a number of alerts, including detection of possible upstream outages -...

Event Timeout for Seq v1.4.7 Released!

I've released a minor update to Seq.App.EventTimeout. While creating a new app that shares common functionality (more on that later!), I came across some edge cases for the handling of holidays. These cases should not "usually" have happened, and were only exposed by running a holiday test case near the...

Seq.Client.Log4j - Seq appender for Log4j 2

I've been working to build a Seq appender for Log4j 2, which will allow Java applications that use Log4j to send events to Seq. While I've been previously been able to configure Log4net instances to send to Seq using Seq.Client.Log4net and Log4net.Async, there seems to be a lack of an...