Event Schedule for Seq 1.0.6 Released - Date tokens!

Event Schedule is a bit of a different beast from the Event Timeout and Event Threshold apps. It's an app that will (for example) allow you to automatically create Jira tickets every month via a Seq log entry. This means that it can have difference needs from the other apps (or otherwise, might drive improvements to those apps if it's useful enough).

With this in mind, it's useful for Event Schedule to be able to mark those tickets with date formats, like "Scheduled Maintenance - July 2021". This allows you to readily distinguish between different tickets in the destination system.

Note - After this was initially published, I looked at event tags as another possibility. Given that a main target is Jira, and updates to Seq.App.Atlassian.Jira mean that tags can be passed through as labels, it can be useful to produce a label like Maintenance_Jul2021 for the sake of filtering. Accordingly, v1.08 now includes the ability to include date tokens in your tags, along with an update to ensure that the Message and Description properties will always be included with your scheduled log events!

Accordingly, I've updated the Event Schedule code to allow date tokens, as follows;

{d}Current Day as digit (eg. 1, 26, etc)
{dd}Current Day as digit with padding zero where needed (eg. 01, 26, etc)
{ddd}Current short day name (eg. Mon, Fri, etc)
{dddd}Current long day name (eg. Monday, Friday, etc)
{M}Current Month as digit
{MM}Current Month as digit with padding zero where needed 
{MMM}Current short month name
{MMMM}Current long month name
{yy}Two digit year (eg. 20, 21, etc)
{yyyy}Four digit year (eg. 2020, 2021, etc)

This is accepted in both the Message and Description fields, and within Tags. Although presented above as lower and upper case, the replacement is not case sensitive. This does not strictly follow standard .NET formatting rules - it is a simple token substitution for convenience.

I've also added a checkbox to allow you to enable or disable including the Description in the log message text. By default it is switched off. 

Note! If you have an existing install of Event Schedule with existing instances configured, the instances may stop due to addition of this field.

To resolve, you simply need to go into each app and save the config - remember to turn the "Include Description with log message" setting on if you want the previous behaviour to continue!

You can update your existing install from within Seq, install Event Schedule to your Seq instance using the Seq.App.EventSchedule Nuget tag, or use the most fancy links in the universe below!


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