
Lurgle.Logging v1.2.4 Update - Rethinking usage patterns

A while back I updated Lurgle.Logging to support new logging patterns. I've sat on it for a while, but some aspects of this weren't as well thought through as they could have been. Specifically, the idea of passing: Log.Error(ex, "Oh no! An error! {Message}", Logging.NewCorrelationId(), args: ex.Message); Log.Error(ex, "Oh no!...

Using Handlebars templates with Seq.App.Atlassian.Jira and Seq.App.OpsGenie

One of the really useful things with Seq.App.Opsgenie was that Nick Blumhardt had integrated Handlebars templates to the app, using Handlebars.NET. I liked it so much that, when I contributed to Ali Özgür's excellent Seq.App.Atlassian.Jira project, I carried it over. There's a few oddities in the JIRA REST API, and...

Playing nicely with others in the Seq ecosystem

You would realise by now that I'm quite a fan of Seq. It's hard not to be, when you can download a free single user license and get started with a trial, a POC, or designing your monitoring and infrastructure. The growth in open source apps for Seq over the...

Seq Reporter v1.0.3 - Who needs email when you can raise a Jira issue?

Reporting all the things Seq Reporter is the command-line client that can be used to schedule reporting from your Seq structured logs. It drives a number of daily and monthly reports for us and overall, it works well. We just set our query config and time range, schedule it, and...

PSA - Update  your Seq Nuget API Feed to v3

Update - The specific cause of the below problem was subsequently identified as Event Timeout recently reaching 100 Nuget versions, which meant that that the new versions were on the next page of results. The Seq implementation of Nuget wasn't handling paged results correctly. Many thanks to Joel Verhagen from...

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