Apps and library updates (2023 Edition)

I've been slack in maintenance and haven't had new feature ideas as I've been somewhat abstracted from development in my current role. Nonetheless, I have gone through and updated dependencies for all apps and libraries that make sense to update. The goal here is to keep things current, although I...

Lurgle.Transfer updated to address underlying CVE, other updates

I haven't had a lot of time lately to work on the various apps and libraries I've created or contributed to, but a vulnerability in SSH.NET needed attention in Lurgle.Transfer. This vulnerability was noted here, and required an update to dependencies. That's done now, with all other dependencies updated. The...

Seq Reporter v1.0.3 - Who needs email when you can raise a Jira issue?

Reporting all the things Seq Reporter is the command-line client that can be used to schedule reporting from your Seq structured logs. It drives a number of daily and monthly reports for us and overall, it works well. We just set our query config and time range, schedule it, and...

Seq Reporter - Turn your structured logs into scheduled reports!

Uhh ... You want what? So, you have all your apps logging to Seq, perhaps you have monitoring and alerting using apps like the Seq OpsGenie client, and maybe you're even using Event Timeout to detect events that didn't happen in time. Things are going great, except ... Well, management...

Lurgle.Alerting v1.2.2 released - Send results, plain text and HTML improvements

Lurgle Update Time! I've released an update to Lurgle.Alerting, the premier Lurgle Alerting library for Lurgling your Alerts! This release is about updating some of the older code that was brought into the library: FluentEmail largely suppresses exceptions when there are send failures. Lurgle was simply returning the FluentEmail.Core.Models.SendResponse.Successful bool...

Lurgle.Alerting v1.2.0 released - Consistent attachment content types!

I've released a small update to Lurgle.Alerting which adds automatic determination of the attachment content type using the MimeMapping library. I've raised the version to v1.2.0 to align with Lurgle.Logging's current releases. This specifically addresses an issue when sending attachments with MailKit as the SMTP sender. The FluentEmail implementation was...

Lurgle.Alerting v1.1.10 and Lurgle.Logging v1.1.15 Released

I've just pushed out an update to Lurgle.Alerting on Nuget. This release adds a Handlebars template option, based on the implementation by Matthew Turner at FluentEmail.Handlebars ( When I came across the FluentEmail.Handlebars package, I was keen to use it, but it was only compiled against .NET Standard 2.1, and...

Lurgle.Logging v1.1.14 and Lurgle.Alerting v1.1.9 Released

I've pushed out updates to Lurgle.Logging and Lurgle.Alerting today. The Lurgle.Logging update is minor - I noticed that Log.Add wasn't correctly passing the calling method, source file, and line number. Lurgle.Alerting has received a more substantial update: This helps to make Lurgle.Alerting even more useful and reliable! You can get...

Lurgle.Alerting - a standardised FluentEmail implementation with extra goodies!

Another Lurgle Around the time that I tackled my original Serilog logging implementation, I also looked at our email alerting. Emails can be used for a variety of reasons, and it's not uncommon that they are sent as a simple string that concatenates or formats variables. In this scenario, the...